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  • Writer's pictureRichard Atkinson - Willes

Fusing my passions for sculpture and nature

So much sculpture finds its final home in a garden it seems almost like its natural habitat; whether it’s a small piece acting as a feature amongst planting, or a huge statement creating a grand vista in parkland, sculpture has been placed in landscapes small and large for millennia.

Fortunately, the latter application is well demonstrated by the gallery’s spectacular view of Oldbury Hillfort, the Cherhill White Horse and the stately Lansdowne Monument. Once inside, however, the scale changes and sculptures can be found in the intimate seclusion of the gallery garden, which reaches into quiet woodland behind the old farmhouse. The garden has been laid out and planted to combine nature and art as a whole experience, with each showing off the other to its best effect. Nature has, of course, taken this as a challenge and each year seems intent upon upstaging the artwork that we place in it, but that’s a conflict we are happy to encourage: despite the indignant, aesthetic stand-off occurring around them, few of the visitors who sit in our courtyard café among the wildflowers show much concern over who’s winning.

“At our Talos Art Foundry we have cast the work of over seventy established sculptors and works on national and international sculpture projects. Much of this fabulous sculpture goes straight from the foundry to its final home in private and national collections. The inspiration behind Talos Gallery is to offer everyone a brief opportunity to enjoy these sculptures, which are destined for private collections, or venues overseas, and also provides buyers the opportunity to invest in their own editions.” — Richard, Owner & Founder of Talos Gallery & Foundry

Our passion is to make art accessible to as many as possible and to experience it in a way that suits you. If that's a guided tour, meeting the artist, seeing the foundry of being left to enjoy at your own pace...

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